The Violet Flame Stupa Foundation supports the mission of H. E. Senge Tenzin Rinpoche through his Kailashzone Charitable Foundation, officially recognized by the Government of Nepal. We invite you to sponsor the education of young monks. Your donations are essential in providing Tibetan children with the opportunity to attend school, to learn and practice their native culture. Your generosity may be a child’s only opportunity to live, study and practice their religion that has been denied to them in their native country of Tibet (now under the control of the PRC, Peoples’ Republic of China). Many special children are waiting for your contribution to change the course of their lives. They will cherish being rescued from rural poverty to become an educated, contributing member of their Tibetan culture. |
Inspiration of Good Graces for those who Support the
Community and Culture
LARGE IMAGES * Buddha with Prayer Flags * Tibet Landscape * Violet Flame Stupa (Click the links above to open the large images. Available in Gratitude Contribute THANK YOU! |
Copyright 2008, Violet Flame Stupa Foundation |